July 11, 2011

My take on Shakeology

Alright, so there’s a big rave about a product called “Shakeology.”  If you haven’t heard about it, or briefly heard the name in passing, I’ll give you a quick run-down:  Shakeology is a nutritional supplement designed to replace one meal throughout the day.  It’s made from around 70 exotic ingredients from around the world, being the most healthy thing you could eat all day.  It has proteins, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants; all sorts of goodies to help you digest more efficiently and lose weight.  Not only a weight loss supplement, Shakeology is designed to give you more energy through the day, help your body stay healthy and fight disease and sickness, and bring you to a more at-ease mentality.  Basically, it’s a powder (right now in 2 flavors: Chocolate and GreenBerry) that you add to about a cup of water or milk.

I’m here to say that this stuff A) WORKS and B) tastes DELICIOUS.  I ordered the chocolate flavor, and it came with a little calender of all sorts of recipes and variations to the straight powder and liquid.  Right now my favorite is adding a banana, a few strawberries, about a cup of almond milk, and a tsp. of maple extract.  Throwing in a medium sized apple with a tablespoon of cinnamon is also fantastic. Yummm.  Now I’ve only been using Shakeology for 4 days, so I can’t sincerely vouch for it preventing disease and illness, but I can certainly say that it has given me more energy throughout the day and a clearer mind.

Convenience is also a benefit.  I’m working a labor job that’s 40+ hrs a week, anywhere from 5-7 days a week, so taking the time to sit down and prepare a healthy meal on a 30 min.  lunch break is difficult.  With Shakeology, I can literally have a ridiculously healthy meal in under 5 minutes.  Throw your ingredients in a blender and watch the magic happen.  Honestly, the hardest part is not making more because I’ve come to realize there’s a 10-15 min. lag between when I eat and when I actually feel full.  I’m always temped to throw together another shake or just grab some other sort of food before I run back to work, but that’s where self-control comes in.  If you’re also having those kind immediate, post-Shakeology cravings here are a few solutions that work for me:
  • Drink your shake slower.  Even if you only have a half-hour lunch break, preparing Shakeology leaves you plenty of time to sip the shake, enjoy it (seriously, savor the flavor), and feel full.  This can be true of any meal also.
  • Have a tall glass of water after finishing your shake/meal.  This will help fill you up, and water is also said to help curb food cravings (Shakeology does this also if I didn’t mention before…) as well as provide your body with much needed hydration.
Cost is often a turn-off for products like these, but let’s take a second and break it down.  Shakeology is about $120 for enough to last you a month.  That’s about $4 per day for a meal.  When you think about it, that’s just about the cost of a sub at Subway, or some meal at McDonalds (which you shouldn’t be eating in the first place), but waaayy more nutritious for you.  Especially if you consider the servings of fruits, vegetables, and other super foods Shakeology replaces for your bodily needs.  The ingredients are also organic for the more green-minded consumer.

I encourage you to give this a shot if you’re interested in losing weight, eating healthier, or just feeling better overall.  It’s definitely got the biggest bang per buck.
If you have any questions or are a bit more curious about Shakeology, please feel free to visit my Shakeology site or contact me for more info or with any questions! :)

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