July 19, 2011

Make your Workout fun!

Workouts can often feel like a hassle, burden, or chore; something we force ourselves to do rather than something we enjoy doing.  Today while I was doing Back to Core from "Asylum" I had a momentary flashback of the many times I felt tasked to do my workout and how much it actually stressed me out.  Your workout should be the exact opposite.  It should be rewarding and something to enjoy and look forward to: something you can accomplish and look back on to say "I just did that!"

So during my workout, when I got to the point of "Ow, this sucks!" I looked at the screen and saw some of the people smiling.  I though, "how are they smiling during a workout like this?  They look like they're having fun."  Then I realized, you can have fun while still working hard at these exercises.  It's all a personal matter, but basically make it fun for yourself!  I decided to play a little game (because it was so damn hot out) to see how big of a sweat puddle I could make.  Gross, I know but it worked for me.  Some may want to be more serious and just try to count reps and best them each week, but you have to do what's right for you (in more than one aspect, we'll get into that later).

Just a quick one, but it's something to think about!  Thanks for reading :)

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